Kingdoms burn. Heroes soar.

At the decimated outpost of Nevergrace, Cyran Orendain and his companions stand watch. They search for the Dragon Queen’s remains while awaiting the full onslaught of Murgare’s retaliation. But some of their own turn against them, and a village is ravaged by whatever lurks in the woods.

With the young lady of the Never by her side, Cyran’s sister Jaslin arrives at the king’s city of Galvenstone to answer a summons. She will find the answers to the queen’s murder and the darkness lurking beneath the streets, no matter what—or who—stands in her way.

Meanwhile, Pravon the dragon thief follows the unpredictable dragon assassin across the lands of Cimeren, hunting down emissaries who seek to bring peace to the kingdoms. For only one path can stop the coming war, and they will ensure this path is never found.

Only those at Nevergrace sense the coming dangers—that which stalks the far side of the Lake on Fire and that which prowls within the forest.

The growing shadows will consume all of the kingdoms and cover the lands in blood and dragon fire.

Treachery abounds in Nevergrace!

If you love an epic quest, dragons, brave knights (male and female) and battles then this is the fantasy book rec for you!

I missed book 1 in this series but it is on the TBR and I intend to go back and fill in the gaps in my knowledge but I managed to follow along with the story without being stumped too often.

Cyran is from Belvenguard and a neighbouring kingdom is on the move to avenge the death of their king. Now Cyran’s sister, Jaslin, is involved in the fight for freedom and Cyran would much rather she stay home and be safe! But Jaslin is a very forward thinking woman for her time and she’d rather be in the thick of fighting than weeping and wailing at home.

There are dangers lurking in the woods and Cyran makes promises to his dragon that he hopes he’ll live to make good on. I really got lost in this world and just sucked into the story – I felt I was flying along went they went into battle.

I felt their were enough twists to make things interesting with making me reach for a pad of paper to write things down to keep the plot straight. You don’t need to learn a whole new language to follow along but there are a few words you’ll need to get your brain around. (Helpfully there is a glossary at the end of the book).

I will happily volunteer to battle along with these knights in book 3!