Is this villa in Greece a disastrous fixer-upper… or a dream come true for Claudia?

After receiving a life-changing inheritance from a beloved, quirky older relative, thirty-two-year-old Claudia has done something wild they would approve of – she’s bought a run-down villa in Greece! Though she’s never seen it in person, she’s sure that with a lick of paint, it will be everything she’s ever dreamed of…

But, arriving at her new home on the gorgeous Greek island of Corfu, Claudia is met with a shock. The cracks look more like chasms, plants are growing through the tiled floor, and the view of the sparkling blue sea would be perfect – if there was a window instead of a hole in the wall.

With the local villagers thinking she’s mad to take on the villa, Claudia panics she’s made the biggest mistake of her life. Until local builder Dimitri comes to her rescue… Between his caring nature, his rippling muscles and deep brown eyes, Claudia can’t believe she’s found her knight in shining armour. And they grow close over glasses of Greek wine beneath the stars, after long, hot days working on the villa.

But just when Claudia begins to see a future with Dimitri, his ex-girlfriend throws a spanner in the works. Though he reassures her that it’s over between them, Claudia starts to feel like he’s keeping secrets. Then a pipe bursts, flooding the villa, and all Claudia’s hopes are dashed at once…

Should Claudia call it quits and head back to her old life? Or is Dimitri hiding the perfect surprise, one that could help Claudia finally build her dream life in Greece?

Author Bio:

Sue Roberts lives in Lancashire with her long term partner Derek and has had a lifelong love of writing, encouraged by winning a school writing competition at the age of 11.

She always assumed that ‘one day’ she would write a book, always having a busy household and a job, the idea remained firmly on the back burner but never forgotten.

The inspiration for her first novel came to her on a holiday to a Greek village. Her daughters had left home and suddenly the time had come to write that book!

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If you want a lighter, low angst romance to get you in the mood for summer you cannot go wrong with something from Sue Roberts! These romances set in Greece always put me in a holiday mood no matter when I read them but when I only have 4 weeks until I go to Greece, I’m totally in holiday mode now!

Claudia decides to use an inheritance to do something very unClaudialike and buys a property to renovate. But buying sight unseen is maybe not the best way to buy!

Hiring Dimitri, the local builder, should make things go a bit easier but the Grumpy, annoyingly handsome Greek male gets under her skin every time they bump into each other. Claudia is great at dishing out advice to everyone else about their lives and relationships but sadly doesn’t heed her own advice! She could also be a bit of a snob and very opinionated – I think that’s why I struggled with this one a bit.

There wasn’t a lot of commonality between Dimitri and Claudia and I did have to just go with the story sometimes and found I wasn’t rooting for them as I usually would with my MC’s. However, I still really enjoyed the story and was happy with the ending. I really enjoyed watching as Claudia finally settled down a bit and became friends with the locals and a lot less stand-offish and aloof.