It all started with a turtle and a pair of designer sunglasses…

A bodyguarding gig in the Caribbean? Living the dream, right? Former Navy SEAL Knox Livingston soon finds out the trip is no vacation. Pop princess Luna Maara is a pain in everyone’s ass, including the local judge’s. When Luna finds herself sentenced to a month of community service at a turtle sanctuary, Knox hopes she might finally rethink her behaviour, but little does he know, the nightmare is only just beginning.

Caro Menefee moved to Valentine Cay to escape her past, and the last thing she needs is a rich brat and her entourage invading the peaceful paradise. Although Knox and his equally cocky buddy sure are pretty to look at. And that’s all she’s going to do: look. She swore off men before she left California, and she has quite enough to worry about without adding two toned six-packs into the mix. The turtle population is declining at an alarming rate, and she’s not convinced it’s all down to natural causes. Will Knox help or hinder her quest to save a species? And will Caro join the turtles on the endangered list?

Luna is a PITA for everyone. Her latest escapade has landed her with community service, helping at a Turtle Sanctuary. Knox and Ryder aren’t exactly enthused at the thought of a month babysitting this pop starlet but they go where ordered.

Caro is the mainstay of the turtle sanctuary. She understands that having Luna there may get her PR for her sanctuary but dealing with Luna and her hulking bodyguards may not be worth the effort! Caro and Luna start out as very different women but as the book progresses we realise that they have more similarities than differences.

Whilst this book is about Caro and Knox, there is background layering of the potential romance for Ryder and Luna building in the background. Caro and Knox may be opposites but they click on so many levels. I loved learning all about turtles and their environment. I always tell people that I learn something new in every book I read and this was very true in this one!

Stalkers, poachers and dangerous exes abound.