Rome in 90AD is a hotbed of intrigue and skulduggery. Flavia may be settling back into the life of roman wife and matron and learning how to be the caregiver of two small boys but she is soon back in the thick of another murder investigation.

Along with hubby Tiberius, Albia is soon neck deep in figuring out who killed a female “tourist”, what links her to a local gang and what she’ll do if she comes face to face with the man who caused her so much trauma and pain before she was adopted by Falco and Helena.

There is glorious depiction of life and death in Rome, Like modern times, the crooks have gaudy, over the top funerals, they’re bribing the local law enforcement and the feuds with neighbouring gangs are simmering hot. I was ecstatic that Balbina Milvia finally got the day she deserved. I’m not usually so bloodthirsty but that woman needed to cease and desist! The little digs at cruising tourists, and fleabag hoteliers are so witty and the rank ineffectiveness of some of the vigiles/special agents/gangsters will make you smile.

In this Rome, the matrons are the power behind the many gangster thrones. But the Didii females are not to be trifled with! I loved the way Tiberius just goes along with Albia’s plans. He’s happy being her back up and using his former titles and position to ease the way and sneak into places. It was great to see all my old favourite Falco characters pop in too. It’s great when they arrive unceremoniously and cause havoc all round!