
Nikki's Book Nook

Changing the world…one book review at a time


workplace romance

Luscious Bite by Sarah Ohlin

Dr. Nikolav Sarkozy has had centuries to perfect his arrogance, but his cold vampire soul is no match for the beautifully joyful ER doctor, Francesca Banetti.

Cursed never to drink blood or enjoy pleasure from a human again until he finds his mate, Niko has lived an extremely lonely vampire life. When he walks into Mercy General Hospital and meets Francesca, his penance crashes down around him.

Francesca is a healer, but with her haunted past, she keeps her witch status hidden. While she excels at saving lives, she flourishes when infusing her magic into food, doting on her niece and nephew, and teasing Niko, of course.

Niko is everything bleak and miserable. Francesca is laughter, light, and love. He craves her but denies the ancient instinct whispering she belongs to him. But when a sinister demon threatens her and her family, he steps up and vows to protect them. He had no idea she would tear down the chains around his soul.

Seven hundred years is an awfully long time to be alone. Perhaps the time has come to find his enchanted mate.

CW: Talk of death and killing. Past death of parents and grief. Death of patients in hospital, including child. Demon targeting women. Talk of gruesome attacks by demon.

Niko is essentially a vampire with PTSD and was then cursed by witches. Frankie is a doctor and kitchen witch with some trauma of her own. Frankie made her attraction to Niko clear but he shot her down. But unknown to her the decline wasn’t because he didn’t like her, more because he wants her too much but is afraid that she won’t feel the same intense tug.

When Frankie and her niece and nephew are involved in a car accident, Niko jut about loses his mind and becomes uber protective. He essentially moved them in with him while she recovers.

As the story unfolds Niko and Frankie’s supernatural traits become evident to each other and as more attempts are made on Frankie’s life and those connected to her, Niko has to learn that he has to gamble on losing her to win her.

There were a few confusing things in the storyline, such as does Frankie become immortal if she mates with Niko? However, I did enjoy the telepathy and the kids attitude to the paranormal world was quite sweet and refreshing. The opposites attract storyline between Gia and a certain werewolf is calling to me and I really hope that Augustus gets a HEA too!

Kilt Trip by Alexandra Kiley

Ready or Scot…

Globetrotter Addie Macrae always follows her wanderlust. As a travel consultant, she jet sets around the world—anywhere but Scotland. But when she’s sent on assignment to help a struggling family-run tour company in the Highlands—and save her own job—Addie packs away her emotional baggage and turns on the professional charm.

Rugged as the land he loves, Logan Sutherland’s greatest joy is sharing the beauty of Scotland’s hidden gems…even if it means a wee bit of red ink on the company’s bottom line. The last thing Logan wants is some American “expert” pushing tourist traps and perpetuating myths about the Loch Ness Monster—especially when Addie never leaves her desk to experience the country for herself.

As they wage an office war, Logan discovers Addie’s secret connection to Scotland: a handful of faded Polaroids of her late mother. Hoping for a truce, he creates a private tour to the places in the pictures to help Addie find closure and appreciate the enchantment in less-traveled destinations, never expecting the off-limits attraction sparking between them. But Addie’s contract is almost up, and magic won’t pay the bills. They can’t afford distractions, but how can Addie do her job if she hasn’t explored all Scotland—and Logan—have to offer?

When you’re Scottish, you always give Scottish set romances a weary eye.  Sometimes you wonder if the author has ever read anything about Scotland, never mind researched it or even visited it.  However this has been added to my “acceptable list” lol

I loved the enthusiasm for the history and scenery of Scotland. Sadly not all my countrymen look like Logan or even know how to tune a kilt.  But the story more than makes up for any wee blips.  The story also appealed to me as I once was a travel agent so all that work dealing with passengers, providers, etc brought back some memories!

Addie has a major case of wanderlust brought on by the death of her mum. Logan loves showing off the less well travelled areas of Scotland but the family company is still struggling.

Addie and Logan may be opposites in personality but they have a lot of commonalities, loneliness, family resentments and both are very determined to live life their way. They also hide a soft centre that they don’t often let others see.

There are smexy scenes but they are not graphic or particularly spicy.  The banter is great and the dialogue almost sounds right in my head (but Scotland has a lot of accents so that can be forgiven) but very few men, especially younger ones will ever call you lass.

The Flirt by Layla Hagen

Being a single dad while managing one of the biggest businesses in New Orleans keeps me very busy. Any free time I have I spend with my daughter, Bella — reading to her, styling her hair, or choosing nail polishes appropriate for an eight-year-old.

But I’m okay with that because she is my whole world.

After my divorce, I made myself a promise: I wouldn’t date until Bella was older. Then all my good intentions go up in smoke when I hire our newest chef for the flagship restaurant in the French Quarter. Scarlett Jones is unlike any woman I’d ever met. She’s smart and beautiful and I can’t get enough of her.

For more reasons than one, I need to keep my distance. So when I begin flirting… surprising her with beignets and coffee at break time, then king cake after hours, I know I’ve gone too far. And when I join Scarlett on a ridiculous haunted tour of the city, I’m certain I’ve lost my mind. She’s become my addiction. I want to explore those curves, find out her deepest desires—and make them come true.

But it’s when she offers to teach my daughter how to bake, I know I’m in wayyyyy over my head. When the three of us are together, I get a glimpse of the family we could be.
The question is, are we both ready to put our fears behind us?

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