
Nikki's Book Nook

Changing the world…one book review at a time



This is Why We Lied (Will Trent #12) by Karin Slaughter

One toxic family. Eight suspicious guests. Everyone is guilty. But who is a killer?

Welcome to the McAlpine Lodge: a secluded mountain getaway, it’s the height of escapist luxury living.

Except that everyone here is lying. Lying about their past. Lying to their family. Lying to themselves.

Then one night, Mercy McAlpine – until now the good daughter – threatens to expose everybody’s secrets. Just hours later, Mercy is dead.

In an area this remote, it’s easy to get away with murder. But Will Trent and Sara Linton – investigator and medical examiner for the GBI – are here on their honeymoon.

What do you get when you mash a brilliantly atmospheric crime procedural with the vintage feel of a locked room murder?  Almost perfection!!!

Will and Sara are on their honeymoon and still they manage to find a murder to solve. McAlpine Lodge is remote and beautiful but it hides a lot of secrets, the newest more shocking than the last.  The story is told by slipping backwards in time occasionally to see parts of the story unfold as they are discovered in the current timeline.  It really made for an interesting story.

Mercy, our victim, comes from the most toxic family I’ve ever had the misfortune to read about.  I really wanted a shower after parts of the story were revealed.  She isn’t the most sympathetic of victims and you really have to work sometimes to feel sorry she is gone!

There are some almighty twists and just when you think the murder is solved, there is one more twist to make you gasp.

Faith and Amanda all make an appearance to help solve the murder and I love this little family that Will has built for himself.

Mortal Vintage (Seacastle Mysteries #5) by PJ Skinner

Does an ancient coven hold the key to solving a murder?

Few tears are shed when the unpopular manager of the annual Seacastle Vintage Fair meets a sinister end. But local sleuth Tanya Bowe is thrust into the heart of the investigation when her friend, Grace Wong, finds herself under scrutiny for the murder.

When Tanya’s investigation uncovers a suspicious death in the same family, all bets are off. She navigates dark undercurrents of greed and betrayal as she uncovers a labyrinth of potential suspects associated with an ancient coven. Nothing is as it seems, and every clue adds extra complications. To solve the case, Tanya must answer one main question.

Did someone hate the victim enough to kill her, or was greed the stronger motive?

In this captivating British small-town cozy mystery, a maze of potential suspects, each with their own motives and secrets, will keep you guessing until the very end.

If you relish seaside settings, intricate mysteries, and a touch of wit, buy your copy now and join Tanya on her quest to unravel the truth.

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Tanya and the Seacastle crew are back to crack open another mystery! Tanya really is like Jessica Fletcher – she’s finding bodies everywhere she goes. At least this time it’s Grace finding the body!

It was great to finally see more of Grace and Max, learning about their backgrounds, why they came to the UK, why she is so fearful to be involved with the police. Roz is acting highly weird too. The found family vibes are strong in this series – something I love. Mouse is just so adorable for a teenager – apart from being a bit lost on the old “what do you want to be when you grow up” front, he is such a loving, intelligent and level headed lad.

Who knew the world of Antiquing could be so cut-throat! Dot really is a horrid woman and she was certainly a victim who garnered little sympathy. The storyline zipped along and as usual Tanya et al are integral to saving the day and unmasking the murderer.

I actually found myself warming to DI Antrim in this book – learning more about his backstory humanised him a bit and he certainly relaxes around the Grotty Hovel inhabitants. I must admit I did not guess the murdered this time around – my police colleagues had a hoot at that – they’ve told me it’s just as well I’m not a cop, LOL.

Plenty of humour, cosy vibes and a gentle romance (closed door/off page) between older MC’s. Absolutely adorable series and can’t wait to see what happens next!

Knife River by Justine Champine

First, there were my mother’s bones . . .

A young woman returns home to the small, claustrophobic town of Knife River. When Jess was thirteen, her mother went for a walk and did not return – now, fifteen years later, bones have been discovered in the woods nearby.

Jess’s sister has remained in their childhood home – her life, their home and the town itself seemingly frozen in time. As days turn into weeks, Jess’s understanding of the past, her sister, and herself become more and more complicated – and the list of suspects responsible for her mother’s terrible fate more and more ominous .

Author bio

Justine Champine‘s short fiction has appeared in Kenyon ReviewEpoch, and The Los Angeles Review of Books. She holds an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College and is a founding staff member of No Tokens Journal. She lives in New York City. Knife River is her first novel.

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A fractured family, an unsolved murder, small town gossipmongering.

Jess and Liz had hopes and dreams to get away from their small town, mundane lives but their mother going missing robbed them of that. Jess fled the town as soon as she could and Liz stayed behind, staying in their former family home, slowly turning from a sympathetic figure into someone to be pitied.

When their mothers remains are finally found, Jess and Liz will have to deal with the scuttlebutt and rumours starting again. But has the murderer finished with the family? Will the sisters finally get closure? Will they finally be able to put the past to bed and move on with their lives?

Jess is a complete nomad – she drifts through life, with nothing more than a few bags of clothes to call her own. She flits from job to job and girlfriend to girlfriend. Liz is her complete opposite and seems to have grabbed onto her old life and refuses to let go. But her dreams have rotted away, and in turn she has turned bitter and shrewish.

This was a really complex novel where women are all the driving relationships and the bonds that they share, the connections they forge, as the impetus of the storyline. I must admit that neither Jess nor Liz made for very likeable main characters in my opinion. Jess could come across as selfish and rootless and a bit of a user. She certainly had no qualms in moving on from her live in girlfriend when her first love came back on the scene! Liz is quite a harsh character too. I suppose being left to deal with the aftermath of your mothers disappearance would jade you but she just felt so downtrodden sometimes.

Rogue Hero by Rob Sinclair

When a mystery bystander stops an assassination attempt on a prominent politician, it sparks a national search that captivates the nation…

Curtis Delaney watches the footage play out on the news, and immediately recognises the unidentified hero. He hasn’t seen his brother Finn in six years. He doesn’t know where he’s been in that time, or what he’s been doing. But there’s one thing he does know: Finn is no hero.

Curtis is determined to find his brother, but equally, Curtis is no detective. A husband and lawyer (and not the ‘good’ kind), with a mortgage and responsibilities, Curtis isn’t cut out for delving into whatever seedy business Finn has gotten involved with. But when armed men turn up on his doorstep, claiming to be FBI, he quickly realises he’s been left with no choice.

The hunt for the truth will take them from the Capitol building in Washington, to the sun-kissed beaches of Mexico, and the cold streets of London, uncovering secrets of fraud, blackmail and murder. Can the brothers reunite before the real hero is discovered by the wrong people?

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Author Bio –

Rob Sinclair is the million copy bestseller of over twenty thrillers, including the James Ryker series. Most recently published by Bloodhound, Boldwood will publish his latest action thriller, Rogue Hero, in June 2024 and will be republishing all the James Ryker series over the coming months.

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Curtis has pretty much given up on having a relationship with his “flighty” brother, Finn.  He’s not seen him for years…until he sees him on TV foiling the assassination of an “extreme right wing” shall we say, politician. Finn was no hero when he left – in fact Curtis all but called him a wimp before he left.  So how on earth did he get involved in world politics and assassination attempts?

The rest of Curtis’ life is falling down around his ears – his job he hates, his wife and he are drifting apart and friends that he can’t really rely on.  So he becomes the man most likely to hunt down his brother!

You will have to disengage the common sense sometimes but if you just go with the flow this is a great political thriller.  The intense need Curtis develops to find his brother was the biggest roadblock I had to get over but after I accepted the familial need I just went with the story.  I did find Curtis a very unlikely and if I’m honest, unlikable hero, at first.  The story is as much about him being the unlikely hero as Finn is.  

The action does slip back in time as we see what led Finn to that fateful encounter.  So whilst not the best thriller book I’ve ever read, this is far from the worst.  The storyline is well thought out, the politicians are realistically ruthless and self-serving and I’m all for a MC who is out of their depth but rises to the challenge.  I’d certainly read more books from this author.

How to Solve Murders Like a Lady (Violet Hamilton #2) by Hannah Dolby

Violet Hamilton is no ordinary lady…

She is a Lady Detective, who spends her time solving mysteries and unveiling scandals in the bustling seaside town of Hastings and St Leonards, a popular spot for the Victorian middle classes.

But when the body of a local woman is found on the beach, Violet’s efforts to investigate are blocked at every turn.

Is that because, as a woman, she can’t possibly be allowed to think or act for herself? Or is it because someone sinister has Violet in their sights?

Jane Austen meets Sherlock Holmes in this delightful mystery of manners that will steal your heart, and transport you to a world of seaside scandal and moonlit balls; dubious doctors and duplicitous crooked lords; adventurous escapades and stolen kisses.

Violet is ahead of her time. She’s solving crime in 1897 Sussex! Even more unusual – she’s working with her fiancé. Ben’s the epitome of gentleman detective/antique dealer. He’s also very protective of his younger siblings. Ben and Violet aren’t exactly in a rush down the aisle and they are content to concentrate on their new business.

I’m a connoisseur of murder mystery and I do enjoy a trip through history. There is some genteel humour and the storyline kept me hooked. Violet is really likeable and where lots of women of this time are portrayed as twee and prudish – she’s fun, smart, independent and lovable. I love the way she has become a big sister to Ben’s brothers and sisters but doesn’t attempt to be a mum to them.

Violet is also a champion of women – she knows they usually get the short end of the stick and are either ignored or blamed for the things going wrong around them. She’s actually a great feminist character.

I would have loved a bit more humour if I’m being completely nit-picky but otherwise this was a great read.

Murder at Whateadder House by Jackie Baldwin

When young, pretty Eliza Anderson walks through Grace McKenna’s door begging for help finding her missing sister, it sparks the Portobello Detective Agency’s most dangerous investigation to date.

The trail leads Grace and her team to a plush clinic nestled in Scotland’s remote wilderness. On the surface, Whiteadder House seems too good to be true, offering miracle cures and luxury comfort at no cost. But as they dig deeper, the cracks in its gleaming façade start to show.

Before long, Grace and her protégée Hannah are fighting to infiltrate Whiteadder’s inner sanctum, going undercover while racing to uncover its dark secrets. Little do they know that Whiteadder’s founders have been buying influence at the highest levels to keep prying eyes away, and this time Grace is not going to get any help from the police. Has her handsome ex-husband Brodie been compromised too?

With the facility locked down tight and a web of corruption allowing Whiteadder to operate unchecked, Grace must trust her instincts and sacrifice everything to find a way in to save her client’s sister – and, even more difficult, a way out. Then a young woman’s body is found on a nearby beach – could it be linked to the clinic? Grace knows she must find out before more lives are lost…

A totally gripping Scottish cozy mystery. Fans of Clare Chase, Faith Martin and Frances Evesham will love this series.

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When you actually work in the world of crime and murder, when you read about it you get VERY particular that it’s done right! This is my first read from this author and I was really happy with how much was right. The office politics, the senior officers more like politicians than cops, the protocols that sometimes get in the way of investigations. I even know of uppity cop-kids like Julie!

Eliza’s twin has gone missing. After a life pickled in alcohol, she had finally got clean but she was acting paranoid and seemed really unwell. When another couple of missing persons come to Grace’s attention she knows there is something fishy about the Detox at Whiteadder House!

The relationship between Grace, Hannah and Jean really pulled me in – finally three FMC’s who were the main protagonists of the story and really drew you into the story. I felt really connected to all of them in their own way. I must admit I struggled to like Brodie – I get he did a noble thing but …grrrrrr he really annoyed me! Harvey was the epitome of a good boy and I really loved how he managed to get involved in the take down!

The story really set a fast pace and even though the time period covered was actually weeks, it only felt like days had passed from start to finish. The characters were all necessary to the story and weren’t filler and there were a lot of twists and turns to keep things exciting. There were even a couple of WTF moments! I’ll definitely be adding the earlier books to my TBR and I’ll be keeping an eye out for book 4!

Deep Beneath Us by Catriona McPherson

Will the truth pull them under? A twisty, gripping mystery from a multi-award-winning master of suspense that you won’t be able to put down . . .

Tabitha Muir returns to her childhood home in the remote hills of Hiskith in Scotland after twenty years away. She’s lost her job, her house, and custody of her son after a divorce, and thinks this must be rock bottom – but worse is to come. An unplanned explosion at the dam on the loch and the suspicious death of her beloved cousin Davey force Tabitha to confront her past demons.

Is Davey’s death just another dark episode in the Muir family’s scandalous history? As Davey’s closest friends, Gordo and Barrett, help Tabitha try to answer the many questions around Davey’s demise, Tabitha discovers that nothing she thought she knew about herself and those around her is true . . .

The trio are about to bring Hiskith’s darkest secrets to the surface, but will the truth destroy them?

Tabitha has had a hard time of it.  She had a mental breakdown when she was a teenager, she’s recently found out her husband has been cheating on her, he’s making her out to be an unsuitable mother and her son has decided to stay in the settled life he has rather than move with her to her childhood.

However, on moving back to the old renovated church she can’t say she blames Albie for not moving.  It’s cold, it’s bleak and it’s bringing back far too many bad memories.  Then her cousin is murdered, she gets an unplanned inheritance and more people around her die.

Tabitha has to rely on tentative new relationships with some locals to try and investigate what has been going on in Hisketh in her long absence.  But some long held family secrets and resentments are about to bubble up to the surface and Tabitha may struggle to come to terms with them.

This story really does have a twisty story arc and the psychological trauma of Tabitha is a major part of that. Tabitha is a completely unreliable narrator as due to her mental health issues we’re never quite sure if the information being presented by her is “real and factual” or just her grasp of things.  

I really began to feel sorry for Tabitha early on as she really has had a crappy life and hopefully now that things are in the open, she will struggle less.  Albie, her son, seems to have lightened her load slightly with his visit and Gordo and Barrett have become fast new friends for her. 

Sheltered (Harper Security Ops #15) by AK Evans

Genre: Military Romantic Suspense
Tropes: Private Investigator/Opposites Attract
Release Date: May 28, 2024

Harlow Stout has lived a quiet and sheltered life. Needing something else, something more, she decides to break out of her shell and do something impulsive for once. She just never anticipated she’d find him.

Blaze Matthews has seen and done it all. Working for Harper Security Ops, there’s no shortage of excitement in his life. But when he meets Harlow, he thinks it’s time to start considering settling down.

Unfortunately, someone isn’t very happy with the town’s elite private investigation and security company. And they’re unwavering in their quest to take Harper Security down by any means necessary.

Just as things heat up between Blaze and Harlow, everything else starts crashing down. And when Harlow gets caught in the crossfire, she wonders if seeking a thrill was her smartest move.

Blaze has to find a way to hold onto Harlow and keep her safe from the danger while he figures out who wants to destroy them.

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A.K. Evans is a contemporary romance author of over forty published novels. While she enjoys writing a good romantic suspense novel, Andrea’s favorite books to write have been her extreme sports romances. That might have something to do with the fact that she, along with her husband and two sons, can’t get enough of extreme sports. 

Before becoming a writer, Andrea did a brief stint in the insurance and financial services industry and managed her husband’s performance automotive business. That love of extreme sports? She used to drive race cars! 

When Andrea isn’t writing, she can be found homeschooling her two sons, doing yoga, snowboarding, reading, or traveling with her family. She and her husband are currently taking road trips throughout the country to visit all 50 states with their boys.

Harlow has a blooming business as a hair stylist, she owns her own home and she has a loving family and some great friends. But she can’t help feeling that life is passing her by. She’s not brave or adventurous and everyday things that others take for granted she has missed out on.

After plucking up the courage to try online dating she suffers through the date from he((. Thankfully Blaze was at a neighbouring table and acted as her white knight. From that meet-cute these two blossom into one of the cutest, sweetest and adventurous couples at HSO!

Blaze is everything that Harlow wants to be: outgoing, adventurous, experienced. He’s also kind, determined and patient – all things Harlow needs to let her shine!

I loved the fraught opening – wondering what on earth happens that leads Harlow into that situation. Then the super slow burn and intense chemistry between Harlow and Blaze is just – mwaaah perfection. Blaze never makes Harlow feel less than and at times is stumped by her reaction to otherwise banal comments. But once things are explained we realise that whilst smart and savvy she is also terribly naïve and inexperienced in certain areas.

I love getting to see all the previous couples pop in and out of the following stories – it’s like seeing old friends. Roll on the next book!

Catalyst by Cameron Phoenix

Just as Jayden Amare Fox’s quiet life on an East London estate looks to be steadily improving, things take a sudden dark and violent turn. Consumed by pain and obsessed with vengeance, his path crosses with that of an infamous hacker, wanted internationally for the crimes he is accused of.

What begins as a manhunt uncovers conspiracies of corruption and greed, and the consequences of playing god.

When a formidable common enemy emerges, secrets of a mysterious past that Jay has unknowingly been carrying his whole life are both a gift and a curse. The body count rises as the pair are forced to make sacrifices in a desperate attempt to save the little of what remains.

my review:

Gang wars, revenge, super-human abilities. This book reads like a darker, grittier, comic book.

There is the tragic introduction to the character, the revenge arc, the unfolding of super-human talents. Jay is very much a kind of anti-hero or morally grey hero to me. The hacker is also of great use of our vengeful Londoner.

Jay is very much aware that he’s doing bad things for a good reason. He’s forgoing getting the police involved for a little personal retribution. He finds a new goal in life, a purpose, through his trauma and when he finally lets his emotions loose, he is as human as the rest of us.

A great read from a new to me author!

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