
Nikki's Book Nook

Changing the world…one book review at a time


grumpy sunshine

Fighting for Adalyn (Redemption Harbor Security #3) by Katie Reus

She trusted the wrong person…

And got good people killed. While Adalyn will live with that mistake forever, she finally got justice. Even if it cost more than she’d imagined. But the past has come back to haunt her—and it wants revenge. An old enemy is out to destroy everything she holds dear, starting with her sister. He’s targeting all her former haunts and connections in New Orleans, using the wildness of Mardi Gras week to commit his crimes.

He thought she betrayed him and never looked back…

Rowan, veteran Marine, has hated Adalyn for getting his team killed. Until he discovers that the former CIA agent risked everything to stop the real perpetrator. Now they’re racing against the clock to stop a faceless madman determined to kill them and as many people as possible before the week is over. If they can’t figure out who he is or what his endgame is, an entire city could go up in flames—with them in it.

Adalyn  carries a burden of misplaced survivor guilt. Her intel may have led to her team’s death but she was not responsible – she trusted her source implicitly.  That didn’t stop Rowan, who until then had been her friend and possibly more, from blaming her.  Now working for RHS, she’s had to work with Rowan a few times now and he has come to terms with his grief and his misplaced hatred of Adalyn.  But can she ever risk taking the leap with the handsome former Marine?

However, it looks like their joint past is back to haunt them and someone is using the cover of New Orleans Mardi Gras to strike terror into the heart of Adalyn!

Rowan is a great MMC.  He has learned from past behaviour, recognises that he was the problem and is trying to redeem himself towards Adalyn.  Adalyn is not such an easy nut to crack though.  She has built a shell around her heart – it was the only way to survive with the CIA after all.  But Rowan and his happy, optimistic outlook soon chip away at that shell.

There were plenty of twists and layers to the story.  I loved meeting Fleur and Auntie Collette – she was a hoot.  Adalyn is very much her own hero in this book – Rowan is clearly aware of her skills and wants to support her, not smother her. Brilliant banter between our grumpy CIA agent and her wannabe partner.

Be careful who you like as secondary characters in this story ‘cos sadly not all of them survive.

Breeze Bridge by Annie Dyer


Clover Carew has no job, no home and has never had a proper boyfriend, unless you count the several hundred book-shaped ones. Stopping to help the stranger whose car has broken down on the bridge to the island doesn’t seem like a bad idea, even if it is Halloween.  Only the stranger is definitely not Prince Charming, however handsome he looks.

Grayson Wynne has enough problems in his life: a difficult ex-wife, a new position as the island’s doctor, a young son and no form of childcare; he doesn’t need Clover knocking on his door determined to be his good Samaritan.  Especially when she comes with feline shaped baggage and legs that are too much of a distraction for a strait-laced single dad.

He needs a nanny, and Clover needs a place to live and a job.  She also needs dating lessons, but that’s where Grayson draws the line, one in permanent marker, until Clover has an offer from elsewhere.  Then all of a sudden, those straight laces become very very undone…

You can start the series here:

Puffin Bay would be a fab place to live – quirky, friendly characters, beautiful scenery and plenty of excitement! I actually read this on a road trip to family in North Wales so I was completely there in my head!

Clover is everything you want in a FMC – witty, friendly, stubborn and forthright. She takes no crap from anyone and will just bulldoze her way past roadblocks of the grumpy kind! Grayson may be the new GP in town but he needs to work on that bedside/roadside manner!

When she slips seamlessly into his son’s life, Greyson begins to see Clover in a whole new light. Now he’s seeing his impromptu nanny as more than just an employee. Word of warning Luca steals the limelight about as much as Moonshine, Clover’s hugea$$ cat.

This series always manages to weave previous MC’s into the story, so you always get to see more of their day to day lives after the HEA. Greyson defo uses that anatomy knowledge to his advantage!

Until It Was Love by Pippa Grant

Genre: Romantic Comedy
Tropes: Teammate’s Sister, Enemies to Lovers, Accidentally Dating, Grumpy/Sunshine
Release Date: April 11, 2024

There are a million reasons why I shouldn’t agree to a date with Fletcher Huxley.
He’s a growly-faced, stubborn-streaked, international rugby legend trying to revive his flailing career in the US after being canned by his team overseas.
While he might have the good kind of thunder thighs, intriguing tattoos, and a booty of steel, he also holds the top position on my very short nemesis list thanks to what happened the first time we met.
Plus, his mustache is as terrible as the reason he’s picked me to be the woman he wants to date.
But he has one big checkmark in the why this date is a good idea column: he’s my brother’s new teammate.
They already hate each other.
And my brother has made an unfortunate habit of interfering with my love life recently.
So a revenge date with Fletcher to make my brother mad? While letting Fletcher think this date is merely for the good of the team?
I’m in.
I’m moving to London for work in a month. And it’s just one date. What could possibly go wrong?
Until It Was Love is a banter-tastic romcom featuring an overgrown snack of a man with a soft spot for his purse dog, a normally optimistic life coach trying to live her best life, a mustache catastrophe, and one little tiny fainting spell. It stands alone and comes complete with a swoony happily ever after that will leave your heart in a happy puddle of joy.


Free in Kindle Unlimited
Also available in print & audio:
Amazon Audio:

Pippa Grant wanted to write books, so she did. Before she became a USA Today and #1 Amazon bestselling romantic comedy author, she was a young military spouse who got into writing as self-therapy. That happened around the time she discovered reading romance novels, and the two eventually merged into a career. Today, she has more than 30 knee-slapping Pippa Grant titles and nine written as Jamie Farrell. When she’s not writing romantic comedies, she’s fumbling through being a mom, wife, and mountain woman, and sometimes trying to find hobbies. Her crowning achievement? Having impeccable timing for telling stories that will make people snort beverages out of their noses. Consider yourself warned.
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Goldie is sick to the back teeth of her brother ruining her love life. So she does what any good sister would – she starts revenge dating his team mate, the one he REALLY can’t stand. She and Fletcher may be opposites but they learn to like and trust each other. They’re relationship has a time limit but until Goldie gets on that plant they can sure have a lot of fun!

I’m not a huge sports romance girlie but this had just enough sports for me. Slow burn goodness from frenemies to lovers. The banter is always great in a Pippa Grant book and this was no exception – her MMC’s are great at laughing their ladyloves into bed. And that Moustache – that moustache will be famous for all time, lol!

There were also sweet moments between Goldies and her grey ladies, those three gave the best advice, they were like the Golden Girls! And special mention to Sweet Pea. I’m not a loved of wee tiny dogs but I could be persuaded by a Sweet Pea!

The Flirt by Layla Hagen

Being a single dad while managing one of the biggest businesses in New Orleans keeps me very busy. Any free time I have I spend with my daughter, Bella — reading to her, styling her hair, or choosing nail polishes appropriate for an eight-year-old.

But I’m okay with that because she is my whole world.

After my divorce, I made myself a promise: I wouldn’t date until Bella was older. Then all my good intentions go up in smoke when I hire our newest chef for the flagship restaurant in the French Quarter. Scarlett Jones is unlike any woman I’d ever met. She’s smart and beautiful and I can’t get enough of her.

For more reasons than one, I need to keep my distance. So when I begin flirting… surprising her with beignets and coffee at break time, then king cake after hours, I know I’ve gone too far. And when I join Scarlett on a ridiculous haunted tour of the city, I’m certain I’ve lost my mind. She’s become my addiction. I want to explore those curves, find out her deepest desires—and make them come true.

But it’s when she offers to teach my daughter how to bake, I know I’m in wayyyyy over my head. When the three of us are together, I get a glimpse of the family we could be.
The question is, are we both ready to put our fears behind us?

#1ClickHere #TheFlirt
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Veteran (Dalvegan Dragons #2) by Xavier Neal

Single Dad Grumpy Sunshine Hockey Romance

Hosted by DS Book Promotions






Read on Kindle Unlimited

What to expect:

Single Dad/Nanny
Amnesia Romance
Plus-Size/Curvy Heroine
Possessive Alpha

What’s good for the gosling is good for the gander…

At least according to the sunshine and snowflakes woman whose amnesia episode has her believing she’s been assigned to be my daughter’s new nanny.

And, of course, I can’t really fire the fake hire because the last thing I need as the captain of my pro hockey team is to be trending for more drama.

I guess you could say this season won’t be easy.

Especially for me, the veteran.

For more about Xavier Neal and her books:

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@Xavier Neal @DS Book Promotions

Cover Reveal – Promise Me This by Karla Sorensen

Releases May 9!

Imagine this: an author with a raging case of writer’s block finds an unexpected source of inspiration in her
grumpy, gorgeous new roommate. Sounds amazing, right? Except that new roommate is my childhood best
friend. And Ian Wilder has been off-limits since I was five.

It’s been over a decade since I’ve seen him, but when I return to my hometown after years away, Ian’s exactly
the man I remembered. The same guy who gave me his coat on a playground when we were kids and promised
he’d take care of me forever. I need a quiet place to work with this deadline looming. I need a place where my
daughter can unwind. Enter Ian with an offer I can’t refuse: his spare bedroom.

It’s an easy yes. Except now the problem is I can’t stop thinking about him, and these thoughts? They’re
wandering out of the friend zone. I keep imagining very creative ways to rip off his clothes. And Ian starts
giving me looks of his own, the kind that make my heart race.

One night, we cross a line we can’t uncross. The lines have blurred, and our friendship is hanging by a thread.
Imagine this: a woman falling for her best friend. And she has no idea if he feels the same.

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