
Nikki's Book Nook

Changing the world…one book review at a time


disability representation

Clark’s Decision by Deanna Rowley

Clark Riceman had finally retired from the military. It was time to get out and go home to support his sister and see what she had done with the family ranch while he’d been doing what he loved. The day he returned, he hadn’t even reached his home when he suspected that someone on The Broken Wheel Ranch was in trouble. Armed with that knowledge, he finally headed home, making a silent vow to protect everyone on the Riceman Ranch, regardless of which business they worked.

Naomi Alcott had been in an accident years ago and was confined to a wheelchair, but she didn’t let that stop her from doing what she loved—working with horses. Her biggest concern when she realized Clark was home was that he would take her position away from her. When she got to know him, she realized her friends had been right, and he wasn’t like that.

It shocks her that he wants to help her when she starts having trouble with her previous injuries. Can she really fall for the owner of the ranch and not be accused of trying to further her career? Will Clark be there when she finds out who is after her?

Clark has retired from the SEALS to the family ranch, Erin’s Way A lot has changed and he carried some guilt for leaving his sister to shoulder all the responsibility. Bur Erin comes from a long line of strong women and the longer he’s at the ranch the more he realises just how much he missed out on.

His former team-mates have all found love at the ranch and these women, like his sister, all have challenges, disabilities and mental health issues. Naomi has been paralysed after an “accident”, one that she’s pretty sure was a set up by her nightmare of a father. She has overcome most of the hurdles life threw her way but Clark could be another obstacle to overcome with his protectiveness – she wants a partner not a protector.

This hasn’t been my favourite book in the BPW. I really wanted to enjoy it more as a fellow spinal injury warrior but I just felt really disconnected from Clark and Naomi and I’m still struggling to find out why. I don’t think the cover helped as Clark is described in his 30’s and the cover model I’m afraid had me thinking he was nearer my age (late 40’s)

Show Off (Juniper Ridge #6) by Tawna Fenske

I wish I didn’t know how one heartbreak can smash your world to bits.
And really I wish I didn’t suspect it’s why there’s an edge to Lana’s sunshine smile.
Hell, I wish I didn’t think of Lana at all.
I’m busy busting ass to be the best—and yeah, grumpiest—chef around.
There’s a reason I keep people at a distance.
My evenings blur with butter and basil and helping my brother.
Trying to forget how he wound up in a wheelchair.
We’ve got our routine, and there’s no room for sweet smiles or blue eyes or…why is it so damn hot in here?
The thing is, Lana spins stories as a PR goddess.
I’m all for icing cookies, but sugarcoating the truth? Never.
Directness is best, even if it means awkward dessert dates that are definitely not dates, and embarrassing chats with my dog.
But one truth I’m terrified to face?
I’m nuts for Lana.
And the fallout could blow up our lives like a mug cake microwaved in a tin cup.

What a fitting finale for a fabulously funny but also sweetly smexy series!  Juniper Ridge was always going to be a winner for me – I mean it’s a small town reality experiment based on a former cult compound!  It couldn’t not be funny!

Lana and Dal seem to be complete opposites.  She is sunshine personified and he’s the broody, grumpy but ever so talented chef.  I loved the way that his brother was not above using his disability to make Dal do what he wants!  There was no depicting the disabled community (of which I am a member)as being angelic – we have a$$holes & manipulators just like every other minority.  Thankfully Dal’s brother uses his powers for good!

Dal and Lana are flawed whilst still trying to be the best they can be.  Dal uses his food to bring light to his customers, Lana tries to make everyone around her happy – to her own detriment most of the time. There were parts of the story that were really emotional for me and I loved that the characters went through the wringer, there was no sailing into a HEA – they had to work for it.

Whilst I’m not a huge fan of reality TV IRL – I’d defo watch Juniper Ridge!  Some of my favourite scenes are the little confessional diary room scenes.  A beautiful mix of sweet, smexy and sarcastically funny.

I really hope we get to meet the Judson’s and co in other stories ‘cos they are just too funny not to crop up and cause mayhem for others!

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