
Nikki's Book Nook

Changing the world…one book review at a time


cosy mystery

Mortal Vintage (Seacastle Mysteries #5) by PJ Skinner

Does an ancient coven hold the key to solving a murder?

Few tears are shed when the unpopular manager of the annual Seacastle Vintage Fair meets a sinister end. But local sleuth Tanya Bowe is thrust into the heart of the investigation when her friend, Grace Wong, finds herself under scrutiny for the murder.

When Tanya’s investigation uncovers a suspicious death in the same family, all bets are off. She navigates dark undercurrents of greed and betrayal as she uncovers a labyrinth of potential suspects associated with an ancient coven. Nothing is as it seems, and every clue adds extra complications. To solve the case, Tanya must answer one main question.

Did someone hate the victim enough to kill her, or was greed the stronger motive?

In this captivating British small-town cozy mystery, a maze of potential suspects, each with their own motives and secrets, will keep you guessing until the very end.

If you relish seaside settings, intricate mysteries, and a touch of wit, buy your copy now and join Tanya on her quest to unravel the truth.

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Tanya and the Seacastle crew are back to crack open another mystery! Tanya really is like Jessica Fletcher – she’s finding bodies everywhere she goes. At least this time it’s Grace finding the body!

It was great to finally see more of Grace and Max, learning about their backgrounds, why they came to the UK, why she is so fearful to be involved with the police. Roz is acting highly weird too. The found family vibes are strong in this series – something I love. Mouse is just so adorable for a teenager – apart from being a bit lost on the old “what do you want to be when you grow up” front, he is such a loving, intelligent and level headed lad.

Who knew the world of Antiquing could be so cut-throat! Dot really is a horrid woman and she was certainly a victim who garnered little sympathy. The storyline zipped along and as usual Tanya et al are integral to saving the day and unmasking the murderer.

I actually found myself warming to DI Antrim in this book – learning more about his backstory humanised him a bit and he certainly relaxes around the Grotty Hovel inhabitants. I must admit I did not guess the murdered this time around – my police colleagues had a hoot at that – they’ve told me it’s just as well I’m not a cop, LOL.

Plenty of humour, cosy vibes and a gentle romance (closed door/off page) between older MC’s. Absolutely adorable series and can’t wait to see what happens next!

Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies (Vacation Mysteries #1) by Catherine Mack

Ten days, eight suspects, six cities, five authors, three bodies . . . one trip to die for.

All that bestselling author Eleanor Dash wants is to get through her book tour in Italy and kill off her main character, Connor Smith, in the next in her Vacation Mysteries series—is that too much to ask?

Clearly, because when an attempt is made on the real Connor’s life—the handsome but infuriating con man she got mixed up with ten years ago and now can’t get out of her life—Eleanor’s enlisted to help solve the case.

Contending with literary competitors, rabid fans, a stalker—and even her ex, Oliver, who turns up unexpectedly—theories are bandied about, and rivalries, rifts, and broken hearts are revealed. But who’s really trying to get away with murder?

Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies is the irresistible and hilarious series debut from Catherine Mack, introducing bestselling fictional author Eleanor Dash on her Italian book tour that turns into a real-life murder mystery, as her life starts to imitate the world in her books.

Entertaining, humour filled murder mystery filled with bookish people!

I loved the premise of this book even though it’d never happen in real-life! Our FMC/narrator is an author with an axe to grind against the inspiration for her best-selling books – hence why she wants to kill him off (in literature only!) She regularly breaks that fourth wall and talks directly to the reader. There are footnotes that give further information/descriptions too.

Eleanor is essentially trapped with said muse, a busload of fans and rival authors and a serious stalker! Add to the mix an ex she actually likes and this woman has a lot to contend with. But when the bodies start to drop, Eleanor is perfectly placed to find the killer.

Eleanor is cranky, frustrated, funny and determined. She holds Connor in some serious contempt and can’t wait to bump him off like Arthur Conan Doyle did with Sherlock Holmes. Harper is great as her put upon assistant and sister. Oliver, dreamboat ex and possible renewed love. But there is no real romance, the murder mystery takes centre stage.

I can completely see why this series has been snapped up for TV as it would totally work as a mystery tv show and I’d definitely watch it!

Grave New World (Jane Ladling #6) by Gena Showalter and Jill Monroe

It’s time for Jane and Conrad to get their HEA. They’ve had a lot to work through to get this far – Conrad’s grumpiness at Jane interfering and solving his murders, Jane’s reluctance to get involved due to the family curse, murders getting in the way of their romance. The wedding is threatening to de-rail before the planning gets started in earnest because it’s starting to take on a life of it’s own with tastings and all the other decisions to be made.

But first Jane had another murder to solve. And there are suspects aplenty to muddy the water. Is it the ex-husband, his new fiancée (and Jane’s nemesis), a disinherited child or someone totally unexpected?

I really enjoyed solving this murder along with Jane and co. All the red herrings, wild theories and suspects kept my brain going. I did not see that twist I’ll admit. Fiona, Beau and the other Truthers are all along for the ride and I truly love the little family Jane has made for herself.

On the wedding side of things I’m pretty sure Conrad and Jane had a very “Them” wedding. I’m sad that this may be the last Jane mystery but I’m hoping we’ve not seen the end of Aurelian Hills other quirky inhabitants because I really need the security guys, Fiona and the others all to have a HEA too!

Charms and Chihuahuas (Familiar Spirits #4) by Christine Pope

Charity once again will have to use her “familiar whisperer” skills to help find the murder of a cute little chihuahua’s owner. Slight twist this time because the talking dog isn’t a familiar and doesn’t belong to a witch!

Milton Keyes murder wasn’t quite as straight forward as first thought and Charity and the coven are soon having to fight off another dark magic practitioner. There is also some trouble brewing on the Noah front. After everything has been going so well, there is about to be a big old magical obstacle in their path and it’s not one that Noah may be able to wrap his head around!

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